If Only Your Dream Home Had…

If you’ve been house hunting for any period of time (especially in the GTA and surrounding areas), it usually won’t take long until you realize that it can be a very daunting experience. Just when you think you may have “won” the bid on your new home, someone has out bid you.
It may be time to change your strategy. Most people want the house that shows like a “10”. All you have to do is move in and unpack and you’re ready to start enjoying your new home! How’s that working? Exactly. How about looking at the houses that show like a 6 or 7? If you have a little vision and can put up with a little inconvenience for a few weeks, this could be your answer!
There’s a program called Purchase Plus Improvements. If you find a would-be home that you love but it needs some upgrades (or more), don’t let that deter you. You can add the improvement costs to your mortgage. No need to worry about arranging a separate loan.
After closing, the contractors would come in and do the work. Once complete, the upgrades would be verified by an independent third party, then the funds would be released to pay the contractors. This program also works if you want to do the work yourself.
And if you already own the home that you’d like to grow old in, but it is in need of some upgrades, this program can also work for you.
Contact me today for the complete details of how this program works. DonnaL@dominionlending.ca or 905.336.3545.